happy october, web travelers! its almost halloween! its also been a very long time since ive made a blog post or even worked on the website at all...

since my last post, ive broken up with the heavily mentioned boyfriend in my previous posts. i wont go too much into that, but since leaving him i feel like ive finally found myself, have made wonderful friendships, and have gotten gotten closer with my parents without him looming over my entire life :) ive also gotten into an art school where no one knows him! what a relief.

i didnt apply just for that, though; since starting high school i really finalized the fact that public school wasnt for me. ive always been pretty spunky, and going into highschool in the midwest without owning a single pair of uggs (instead i sported New Rock booties and DC snowboots,) i learned pretty fast that it would take a lot of outer change for me to fit in. a lot of change that i wasnt willing (and definitely didnt have the money) to make! instead, i chose to change my own surroundings to somewhere i knew i would flourish and be understood. i think i really did myself and my family a favor by fighting so hard to get into this school, as my mom has found friendships within the school as well, and my siblings are on their way to being accepted.

over the summer, when i found out id been accepted, i chose to start drawing every day to enhance my skills, as well as to have something to offer to the school (with it being an arts academy and all...) since then, ive kept to my pact and have collected many art supplies as well as almost 5 filled sketchbooks. i may be nothing close to proffesional (yet) but i have something that i love that i can count on being good at if i keep up with it. here are a few pieces (keep in mind ive only had a summers worth of practice):

thanks for reading my latest post! more to come!

