hello!!! it's 7:44 pm on friday, may 6th. im at a friend's house watching lord of the rings but i knew i was gonna get fidgety so now im writing this. my boyfriend got home from dc today so im super excited about that because i get to see him tomorrow!!!! yay!!!! i have never been more excited for something hehe

my friend put on captions for the movie and i didnt even ask so im also rly happy and appreciative of that. we also have a whole bunch of snacks and drinks and made a huge bed out of couch cushions, i feel so at home here :D i hope im not annoying my friends with my keyboard typing T_T

im just rambling now so i might as well continue...i wish i had frodo's hair. i also love the hobbits of the lord of the rings lol theyre so cute! i know literally nothing about lotr and we're probably only 20 minutes in so i dont know if they're good characters. but i love them. anyway here's a photo of my chromebook while i do this:

my mlp stickers are sick ik.

